Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sticker Game...

Lil' Angel is pretty much into stickers currently so she was really happy when Aunty Michelle gave her lots of fish stickers! Thank you Aunty Michelle & Lil' Keira! She was excited with her stickers and she wanted to take them out to paste somewhere...but she didn't know where to paste them. So Daddy thought of a very good idea...

Daddy drew a BIG FISH TANK...and he added "things" in the tank too...

Materials for the game...Stickers and a Drawing of a BIG Fish Tank...

Lil' Angel happily adding fishes in the tank. Daddy made it even more challenging by asking Lil' Angel to paste the fishes on the windows of the submarine, in the corals and seaweed, on the lobster etc...She had lots of fun...and it's educational too!

Tada! Lil' Angel's & Daddy's Masterpiece!


MaMa Loo said...

what a good way to teach little angel and also a good way to create bonding between father and daughter.

Caitlyn's Mommy said...

It is! :)