Thursday, May 22, 2008


Strawberries always look so deeelicious...especially when they are really RED. But I find their appearance deceptive...cos most of the time...they taste BLAND...not like what you will expect of a red, juicy strawberry -SWEET & TASTY. In Singapore, the really BIG and super sweet ones are costly...a box of 12 cost more than SGD10...that's almost $1 per strawberry! I am so happy to find sweet, delicious, BIG & cheap strawberries from Costco!

I actually counted the number of strawberries in this box! There are approximately 50 strawberries and one box cost only USD6.99!

OOooOooohhh...big, sweet and juicy strawberries...I have since become a picky strawberry eater! I don't fancy strawberries that don't have the flavourful strawberry taste!

The way I like to eat my strawberries! Lil' Angel likes hers to be pureed and added into her yoghurt! Yumz...

1 comment:

Brainjuice said...

Hi Caitlyn's mommy!

The strawberries look yummy, but I'm wondering how the 3 of you will polish off 50 strawberries! haha.

Am loving it back in Singapore, but also wondering when you guys are headed back here. Would like Dylan to have a chance to play with Caitlyn again before we leave for down under!