Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Cherry Blossoms...

This was about 3 weeks was another nice day and we mommies decided to take a walk along the river and take some nice shots of our babies with the cherry blossoms...

The 8 of us - Baby Naia, Lil' Matthew, Lil' Jenin, Lil' Angel with the Mommies - Raya, Kim, Tamara & Me!

The very scenic Charles River...

While we were walking, we saw this group of babies being walked by their baby's such a cute sight! All 5 of them seated in a wagon with baby seats installed! Really innovative!

Baby & Me!

Look at how pretty the cherry blossoms are! And they are on the road divider! That's where we want to have the pictures taken. And the drivers were so considerate...they saw the 4 mommies with prams trying to cross the road (jaywalk)...and they actually stopped their cars to let us cross! How sweet...!

Spring is wonderful! All the flowers are blooming! What a pretty sight!

Smile, Caitlyn!

It was so difficult to get the 4 babies to have a picture taken together!

The 3 lovely girls...

Lil' Jenin & Lil' Angel...looking so angelic & sweet...

Basking in the warmth and pretty view...

Us and our babies! Raya is missing cos she is taking the picture for us!

Baby & Me again! Can't get enough of the pretty pretty cherry blossoms!

A BIG Kiss under the cherry blossom tree just for my Lil' Angel!


Keira Ang said...

the girls pictures are so lovely!
hahaha... wat a sight 8 of us jaywalking over to the cherry blossoms!

Keira Ang said...

wat a sight 8 of you, jaywalking across the road!

and must say that the 3 gals are indeed so lovely in white! did the mummies plan it so ??

D boys' Mum said...

the girls on the mat reminds me of diaper advertisement! so cute!