Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

We decided to drive up to Maine - an hour's drive north of Boston to feast on lobsters for Mother's Day lunch! Lest you think that the lobster treat is from Daddy is's actually from Uncle Joe! Uncle Joe gave us a gift card to Weathervane Seafoods when he came to visit us in February! But Daddy I guess we can take that into consideration...

I don't like to sit in the car seat! *Pout*

Lobster, we come!!

The Restaurant!

Hmmm...I hope I get to eat some lobsters later...

Quite a scary looking lobster! Looks quite evil, in fact!

Lots of delicious items in the menu!

We ordered the clam was a BIG bowl...

A family picture before we attack the lobsters, fried mushrooms, mashed potatoes and garden vegetables!

2 Big & Juicy & Succulent LOBSTERS...Go ahead and *droool*, folks...

The bib says "Pa Shows You How To Eat A Lobster"...

So that's what Pa gotta do...

Lil' Angel can't believe she's gonna have some lobster too!


Oooooh my...this is *heavenly*!

Pa's job is done!
The remains of the lobsters! Only the shells left...nothing else! Damage to the gift card? Only USD50 for so much food!

After the sumptuous lunch...we had to work it out...and the best way is SHOPPING, of cos!

What a great way to celebrate Mother's Day...pigging out and shopping...what more can one ask for??

A yummy dinner of cos! We went to Royal East Restaurant...ordered the fried beancurd with prawn and pork ribs...they were deeeeelicious!! *Burp*


Keira Ang said...

ur lunch looks pretty good especially the lobsters! yum yum ;p

could almost taste it too, too bad can only smell it ! waahahahahaha

Keira Ang said...

ur lunch looks pretty good especially the lobsters! yum yum ;p

and could almost taste it too, too bad can only smell it ! waahahahahaha