Monday, July 6, 2009

Twenty-Seven Months...

I'm 27 Months Old Today!

We celebrated Lil' Angel's 27th Month by going to school today! Well, it happens that today is Monday...which is Julia Gabriel PlayClub Day!
At 27 Months...
  1. I notice that Lil' Angel generally does things very fast. For example, if you ask her to pack her toys (usually we do it together), she will put everything back very quickly. Ask her to do her puzzles (ranging from 4-9 pieces), she does them in a minute or two. But that means that she has no patience to stick to any activity for long. If she can't figure out the puzzle or game after some time, she will walk away from it. She can walk fast, run fast etc and the ONLY thing that she does S-L-O-W-L-Y is EATING her MEALS...

  2. Lil' Angel is beginning to be able to trace the letters of the alphabet and numbers with a marker...

  3. It's getting increasingly hard to bring Lil' Angel along shopping or use the public transport as she can't fall asleep in the stroller as easily as before and she doesn't want to sit in the stroller for very long. She will request to get out of the stroller to walk or be carried instead...

  4. It's Lil' Angel's first time sitting on the train seat today! I usually leave her in the stroller throughout the ride...

  5. Her favourite mandarin song is "Ba Luo Bo" (Pulling Out the Carrot)...she will do the actions while Mommy & her sing the song...

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