Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Play Date With Lil' Cherelle...

Lil' Cherelle and Aunty Cynthia came over this morning to play. We are so sick of going out all the time so it's a nice change to have our playdate at home. Mommy prepared lunch for the two kids while Aunty Cynthia "supervised" them and also doubled up as the photographer!
Sorting the yummy & colourful counters...

Sorting according to the food types...Cakes, Cookies, Doughnuts, Muffins and Pies....

Playing with the keyboard...

Lil' Cherelle enjoyed Mommy's cooking and finished a BIG bowl of rice and soup...and had a second helping too! Mommy is so happy that her cooking is appreciated...after all, kids at this age don't LIE...
Lil' Cherelle enjoying the Mango-Banana-Blueberry Smoothie that Mommy blended...

Lil' Angel enjoying the smoothie too!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yes! the food is yummy yummy and the smoothie too! Thanks so much for the lunch and having us over.