Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Nutritious Soups...

For the past month, I have been diligently boiling nutritious soups for Lil' Angel's meals in the hope that she will eat better (and more!). Aunty Cynthia has been so kind to introduce Mommy to all the highly nutritious and good quality ingredients from Eu Yan Sang. Aunty Cynthia recommended fresh figs and honey dates as they will help to increase the appetite (that's what I am hoping for!). She also introduced Japanese white bait for added calcium.

So far, I have been boiling Old Cucumber & Pork Ribs Soup, Black Bean Lotus Soup, Chicken Soup and Spinach Soup. I will add the above mentioned ingredients plus dried scallops and lots of wolfberries...and Lil' Angel has been eating (and I mean EATING) the soup with rice!! She can now finish a BIG bowl of rice with soup, meat, melon, carrots, white bait and wolfberries! THANK YOU AUNTY CYNTHIA for teaching Mommy to cook the wonderful soups! She has even taken to eating spinach without me chopping them into bits and trying to hide the veggie bits in her food!

Below is the amount of rice and soup that she normally eats NOW...

A very decent amount, isn't it?

End of Dinner!

She usually finishes the whole bowl but I am already happy that she could almost finished what was given to her tonight! Oh, and her hearty appetite is beginning to show on her face!
ps: I think she knows what's good stuff cos she totally dislikes the Helper's cooking now! But who can blame her? The Helper cooks the same soup every time (till she can do it with her eyes closed...and I am pretty sure her eyes are closed!) even though I gave her a book with lots of recipes for children!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Most welcome! My pleasure and so happy to see Lil' Caitlyn paipai pangpang now.