Monday, April 6, 2009

Two Years Old...

At Two, Lil' Angel...
  1. Loves to compare or spot things and say "Same! Same!" for similar items...
  2. Favourite line is "Where's Dada?" or "Where's Mama? or "Where's Gong Gong"...and when you reply her, she will pause for awhile and ask the SAME QUESTION repeatedly!!!
  3. Knows the shapes and colours...but still dependent on her mood. On good days, she can identify and say the shapes and colours correctly. On not so good days, most colours will still be Red. Shapes that she can identify and say are square, triangle, circle, oval, rectangle, star, heart, diamond. Colours she can identify and say are red, pink, yellow, orange, blue, green, purple, black and white...
  4. Knows the names of some of her friends' mommies. Sadly, she still can't identify me with my name! She knows Daddy's name though...
  5. Still can't sing but she can help fill in more words to songs...she is trying to sing the Birthday Song now...
  6. Favourite Mandarin songs are Ding Ding & Dong Dong (chinese version of Two Little Black Birds) and Wo De Peng You Zai Na Li? (Where Are My Friends?) Caught her humming the latter a few times...
  7. Always insists on doing things by herself. She will say "Cait Cait Do!" and if you try to HELP her when she is obviously having trouble wearing her shoes or buckling up, she will throw a fit!
  8. Is beginning to like dancing...
  9. Is starting to pose in front of the camera...
  10. Is no longer afraid of her Lil' Red Car! She used to jump out of the car once it started moving...
  11. Still loves breastmilk very much...and is still on Total Breastmilk for her milk intake...
  12. Goes "EEEEEEeeeeeeeeeee....!" when she sees a lizard...
  13. Says "Dirty" when she see any speck of dirt on her hands...
  14. Has entered the World of Terrible Twos!

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