Thursday, April 16, 2009


Cooked the Hello Kitty pasta for Lil' Angel's dinner today and she liked it! She ate a very decent amount, considering that it is so hard to get her to eat her meals!

The cute pasta...

Topped with diced chicken and carrots with chicken soup. She managed to finish the whole bowl! She was happy...and so was I!


Keira Ang said...

i like the shape of the pasta! where did you get them from ?

Amarmivida said...

Hi Cindy. I see you are having loads of fun with picassa3! Next, you install a cbox so that all caitlyn's fans can leave msg more frequently! Oh, i love cait cait'curls!! btw, caitlyn can find chloe on facebook. her email is

Caitlyn's Mommy said...

YES!! Thanks to's so much easier to upload the pix and I can also include in so many more pix with the collage! U can see that I am posting so many new posts so quickly!!! Muacks muacks muacks!

Will find chloe on fb!!!