Saturday, April 18, 2009


Lil' Angel is one who doesn't like to play by herself. She always wants somebody...who is usually ME to play with her. She was on her penguin ride-on in the garden and I needed to go into the house for alittle while, so I left her playing by herself in the garden...

Lil' Angel happily riding on her penguin. Then...not even a minute later...I heard her calling "Mommmmmmy...Mommmmmmmy"....and when I went to look for her...this is what I SAW...

Lil' Angel's Penguin Turned Turtle!

Lest you think she was injured in any way, nope...she was perfectly fine! She's a tough cookie and seriously...I don't know how she could be in this position.

Anyway, she got up and got going again so I left her once more and carried on my own business...then she called again! When I went to look for her, she was again in the same position as before! The naughty naughty Lil' Angel is doing it on purpose just to get my attention!! Arrrghhh! Seriously, she doesn't care if the floor is dirty or not...she will lie anywhere...even when we are out...just to get her way...OOooooooOOoooooohhhhhh...


Jane said...

This is hilarious, I can't believe she did it on purpose, hahaa!

D boys' Mum said...

i was shock to see the photo. luckily she is alright!

Keira Ang said...

really look like an accident! :p
she macam pro "accident artist"