Monday, April 7, 2008

12 Months!

At 12 months, Lil' Angel...
  1. Weighs 9.385kg...that's triple her birth weight!
  2. Can walk quite a distance...unassisted! And she can do the 360* turn too!
  3. Has been promoted from a Baby to a Toddler!
  4. Chews her food well!
  5. Can self-feed with a spoon/fork!
  6. Has started on sinful outside foods...and loves them!
  7. Cries very fiercely to get her way!
  8. Knows a lot of words...ask and she will point!
  9. Can put her hands through her long-sleeved shirts when I dress her!
  10. Has lots of friends!
  11. Has been to Disneyland!

1 comment:

Keira Ang said...

so envious !!!

when will it be my turn ???

your frend,