Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Ear Infection...

Before we came, Lil' Angel was down with fever but she recovered from it a day before we flew. However, due to the long flight and change of weather, Lil' Angel's fever kept coming and going. On the third night, her temperature went up to 39*C again so we brought her to the PD the next day. Once we were at the clinic, Lil' Angel became her normal self again...there wasn't any hint that she was a tad sick at all!
The diagnosis was a mild ear infection due to the flu she had earlier. Fortunately it was nothing serious but she was still given antibiotics anyway.
Lil' Angel at the clinic. Coincidentally, when she became ill, her other eye lid popped out. So now, both sides of her eyes have double eye lids! Pretty, pretty...

The Lil' Baby just couldn't keep still and kept pulling out and throwing all the tapes on to the floor!

On the examination bed...she was so active she started standing, crawling, pulling the equipment, tearing the papers lining the bed and blabbering away! So much for being sick...

Just look at the sick baby! Her weight dropped slightly to 8.90kg, down from 9.115kg a week ago. It could be because she was stripped to her diapers...

1 comment:

Tiang's Journal said...

Cindy and Alvin
I hope that Caitlyn has fully recovered from her ear infection and fever. Please take good care of her ear as sometimes, a seemingly small infection may grow out of proportion and become a serious lifelong problem. Please check on this. Regards