Friday, November 6, 2009

Thirty-One Months...

Happy 31st Month Lil' Angel! At thirty-one months, Lil' Angel...

  1. Can BLOW! Yes, finally! Strangely, as much as she tried to blow previously, only saliva but not air came out of her mouth!
  2. Her favourite phrase now is "I want to eat something!" She can even say it after a full meal!
  3. She is getting very sociable now. She will greet and carry on a conversation with anyone who speaks to her...
  4. Has started using children's toothpaste...
  5. Loves to sing..she can sing lots of songs now and picks up new songs very quickly...
  6. Simply loves teachers...she has a very positive impression of teachers!
  7. Whenever she misbehaves and I become angry, she will say..."I want a happy mommy!" Now whenever she misbehaves, I'll just ask her if she wants a Happy or Angry Mommy...and she will usually do as told! But not all the time of cos!
  8. At bedtime, she will wish Mommy & Daddy "Good night Mommy & I love you Mommy" in English and Mandarin...the same goes for Daddy too!
  9. She is very keen to learn new Mandarin words. She will ask "What's this in Spanish?"...but she really means "What's this in Mandarin"!
  10. She knows the colours - Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, Pink, Purple and White in Mandarin but have to think awhile before saying out the colours...
  11. For the colours Orange, Brown, Black and Silver in Mandarin, I will have to say out various colours for her to choose from i.e. Multiple Choice!
  12. Loves her Chinese name very much! She will ask us to address her by her Chinese name sometimes!
  13. Can remove her own sandals...
  14. Wakes up on average once a night now...good news for Mommy!
  15. Is partially weaned...she drinks only when she needs to sleep i.e. nap and bedtime. She is also drinking more fresh milk now...
  16. Knows her Birth Date...
  17. Can sing/recite the months of the year...
  18. Recognises Toyota and Mitsubishi Logos...she will go "Same as Dada's car!" whenever she spots a Toyota and "Same as Gong Gong's car" whenever she spots a Mitsubishi!
  19. Can reach the lift buttons! Now she can press the 12 floor button (that's the floor Gong Gong lives on)...oh, but she still cannot reach the 14 floor button!
  20. At 31 Months...Lil' Angel stands tall at 95cm and weighs 13.5kg!

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