Monday, December 22, 2008

Lil' Cayden is Back!

Lil' Angel & Mommy are very happy today cos Lil' Cayden & family are back in town and they came by our place! It has been four months since they last saw each other and it didn't seem like they have forgotten each other! I could see that they were truly happy to see each other again! We, the Mommies were also very happy to see and update each other...

Lil' Angel and Lil' Cayden playing in the playroom. Lil' Cayden is a BIG fan of Thomas the Train so he was really happy when he saw that Lil' Angel has lots of Thomas & Friends Engines and Tracks for him to play with! He also remembered that Lil' Angel went to the "Thomas Day Out" event in Massachusetts with him...

Baby Jayven has grown so much since I last saw him when he was barely a month old. He is now five months old and he is sooooooo cute!

Poor Baby...he could only sit and look at the two older ones playing...

They really enjoyed playing with each other. Lil' Cayden loves showing Lil' Angel how to play with the toys...and she is keen to learn too!

Now for some outdoor play. Lil' Angel having fun on the trampoline...

Lil' Cayden's turn...

Taking turns to ride on the penguin. Hmmmm...actually Lil' Angel is asking Lil' Cayden to get off so that she could ride on it! Lil' Cayden willingly got up...what a good boy!

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