Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Latest Tricks...

Lil' Angel's latest tricks:

  1. Doing the action for the song "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"! Since Friday, I have been trying to capture it on video but each time I place the camera in front of her, she just wouldn't do it!

  2. She knows how to point to various objects. When I ask her where the light is, she will point to it. She knows quite a no. of words - Mommy, Daddy, Ma Ma, Gong Gong, lights, bird, duck, fish, pig, tree, fan, ball, Barney, Elmo, caterpillar (her toy, that is!)...and of cos, Caitlyn! When I say "bring Barney to Mommy, please", she will crawl to her little sofa with all her stuffed toys sitting on it and take Elmo and crawl back to me! She knows the difference between Barney and Elmo!

  3. She can crawl up the stairs

  4. She can pull herself up to standing position with minimal support such as the wall or holding on to my shoulder. She can stand without support for about 8 seconds.

Hmmm...I wonder what her next trick will be...

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