Monday, January 7, 2008

9 Months!

Lil' Angel turned 9 months on Sunday and what an exciting month it has been! Everyday is a SURPRISE as she will surprise us with her new tricks! She can...
  1. Crawl very well now...and she knows how to avoid hitting her head on the floor (well...most of the time) when she loses her balance...
  2. Be in the sitting position from any position she was at it lying on her back, her tummy, side ways, handstand...with absolute ease...
  3. Pull herself up from sitting position and stand with support...and she can now stand for about 5 seconds independently...
  4. Walk a little with support...
  5. Wave "Bye-Bye"...
  6. Do the "Itsy-Bitsy Spider" finger action when I sing the song to her...
  7. Point to objects that interest her such as lights, birds...
  8. Look at the direction of certain items eg. when we ask where's the fish...she will turn to look at the fish tank...
  9. Pick up small objects like Gerber puffs with her thumbkin and pointer...
  10. Play Peek-a-Boo...she loves it when I hide behind my blankie or pillow and ask "Where's Mommy?", she will squeal/ laugh with delight and crawl over to pull the blankie away. When I place the blankie over her head and ask "Where's Caitlyn?", she will remove her blankie and reveal herself...with a big smile!
  11. Play ball with me...I'll roll to her and she will roll/throw it back to me...
  12. Play with shape sorter toys...
  13. Indicate to me that she wants her milk by tugging my shirt and placing her face on the milk machines...
  14. Drink from a straw...
  15. Talk...ok...trying to talk. She has babbled a few "words" such as "A...", "There", "BaBaa", "YeYe", "DaDa" and the occassional "MaMaa"...and she babbles pretty loudly too!
  16. Not forgetting...she can DRIVE too!

I have started her on egg yolk, organic wholemeal bread, pork and beef porridge besides fish. Her appetite is getting better and I'm glad that she's not a fussy eater. She has four teeth now...2 at the top and 2 at the bottom...and she bites!

This month will be another exciting one as she will be experiencing lots of firsts...first flight, first trip, first snow...

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