We went to Brewerkz for lunch today to celebrate Mommy's Birthday! It was a rainy afternoon and it was wet, wet, wet!

Walking with Daddy in the rain along the Singapore River under our big blue umbrella...
OOohhhh...rain, rain...please go away...it's Mommy's Birthday today...

Waiting for our yummy steak at

Our yummy
yummies are here!

The rain stopped after our lunch! Thanks Lil' Angel for wishing for the rain to go away! Here's a BIG kiss from Mommy! *

I love my Mommy...and Daddy!
By the way, Lil' Angel said Ma-Ma-Ma-Ma last nite! Thanks Lil' Angel for the wonderful birthday pressie! You are the BEST!!
Hi Cindy, I found this look-alike meter (to see who caitlyn resembles more) on the web, thought it may interest you cos it's quite cute.
happi belated bday!
michelle & keira
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