Sunday, October 28, 2007


Lil' Angel had a fun-filled Saturday afternoon! We brought her to Go-Go Bambini @ Dempsey, and Boy...did she have a ball of a time at the playground just for lil' babies like herself!

Caitlyn dearie in the fully padded play area getting ready to go into the ball pit...she's trying to crawl but her bum refuses to be lifted...

OOooOOoohhhh...balls, balls and more BALLS! Cool!

Heyo! I'm having a splashing FUN TIME in this pool of colourful balls! Red, blue, yellow, green, orange...all the colours of the rainbow!

Now, I'm on the red rocking horse!

Oh! There's something more interesting over there...I'll go and check it out!

This little girl needs someone to play the gorilla see-saw with her. Ok...I'll play with you!

After all the excitement at the playground, we went to Ben & Jerry's to meet Lil' Leon, Aunty Adeline and Uncle Melvin. Here's a nice picture of Lil' Leon and me on this BIG, cushy couch!

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