Monday, October 8, 2007

6 Months!

Lil' Angel turned 6 months on Saturday! I can't believe how these 6 months flew by so quickly!
I can still remember being in the labour suite 6 months ago - pushing & pushing with all my the same time, eagerly anticipating how my Lil' Angel will look like! I can still remember the day we brought her home from the hospital and how I realised that my life would change forever...of cos for the better! Mommy has already utilized the 3-month maternity leave, went back to work for 3 months and finally, became a full time mommy! In this short span of time, Lil' Angel has developed soooo much physically and mentally! I must say babies do have a steep learning curve!
Lil' Angel has already tripled her birth weight and has grown more than 20cm since birth! She feeds really well and loves to drink Mommy's milk! I'm so glad that I have managed to feed Lil' Angel on total breast milk for the first 6 months of her life as recommended by the World Health Organisation (WHO).
Besides Mommy's milk, I have also introduced the following foods:
1) Healthy Times Organic Brown Rice Cereal (@5 months) - she likes it
2) Banana (@5.5 months) - she likes it
3) Japanese Sweet Potato (@ almost 6 months) - she loves it! I love it too!
4) Heinz Pumpkin & Sweetcorn Puree (@ 6 months) - she loves it too!
5) Heinz Apple, Banana and Berries Puree (@ 6 months) - she doesn't seem to like it very much...think it's too sour...
Next in the pipeline will be avocado! I'm so glad that I am a full time mommy at this point in time - when Lil' Angel can start on semi-solids as I enjoy preparing the mushy mushy food for Lil' Angel and seeing the Lil' One savouring every bit of Mommy's cooking!
From a helpless newborn who could only cry, sleep, eat and poop, Lil' Angel can now babble and respond to people who play and talk to her. At 5 months, she could do "High 5"! She can sit unsupported for a minute or 2, flip and has started doing the backward crawl! She loves to reach out for things, grab and throw them on the floor, expecting Mommy and Daddy to pick them up...and giving her a BIG smile when returning the item to her! She loves Daddy dearest to bounce her up and down...squealing with delight and loves Mommy to shower her with goodnite kisses..and she returns with a big smile.
In 6 months, Lil' Angel has already...
1) Been to almost all the major shopping malls...and many times!
2) Attended 2 weddings
3) Attended countless birthday celebrations and parties
4) Received 2 more cousins...Xavier and Ethan
5) Taken the MRT
6) Posed for thousands of pictures
Although these 6 months have been the most tiring time of my life, it has also been the best time of my life! I love being a Mommy!!

1 comment:

Amarmivida said...

Wow.. i am so envious....
Ok.. I am also trying hard....
I'll let you know when i succeed.. Meantime, i will just continue to oogle at your lil princess....