Tuesday, October 6, 2009

30 Months...

Lil' Angel officially turns two-and-a-half today! Wow...it has been 3o months since she was born! Let's see what she has been up to this past month...
  1. She likes to play "Follow The Leader" especially with MaMa...
  2. Play "Guessing Game". We will take turns to ask questions like "Where is Caitlyn", "Is This the Big Red Car" and the Guesser will provide answers till she gets the correct answer...
  3. Ever since she finally learnt how to sing...she has been singing and singing and singing. She can even make up her own lyrics! Eg. I caught her singing "BaaBaa Black Sheep" and it went something like..."Yes Sir, Yes Sir, 3 Bags Full...One for Dada, One for Mommy and One for Cait Cait..."
  4. She says the funniest things at times. Once, when we arrived home, she commented, "This is not Opera House, this is Gong Gong's house!"
  5. I bought her a very nice puzzle from Sydney. It's a picture of the Last Supper, but instead of Jesus and his Disciples, it is the Outback Animals and an Aboriginal Man. Lil' Angel pointed to the Aboriginal Man and said, "This is not a Wombat!"
  6. Lil' Angel has somewhat mellowed a bit. I guess she is becoming more like a little girl instead of a baby!
  7. Lil' Angel can count the number of items. She used to recite and make wild guesses previously...
  8. She can recite 1 to 10 in Mandarin, Japanese and Spanish. But she still need a little prompting for some of the numbers in Japanese and Spanish...
  9. Has a full set of teeth...no more teething problems till they start dropping!
  10. Lil' Angel can spell her name!
  11. She can say our home address!
  12. She is getting quite good at taking pictures...ahhh, must have acquired the skill from Mommy!
It's amazing how much skills kids can acquire in just two and a half years!

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