Saturday, May 16, 2009

Little Neuro Tree...

Lil' Angel gets to attend 3 free classes at the Little Neuro Tree as the free classes were part of her prize that she and Daddy won at the Baby Contest. It's a one hour class and each week, a different language will be used (actually 3 languages - English, Mandarin & Japanese) to conduct the lessons. It's pretty intensive as lots of activities (singing, flash cards, puzzles, memory games, role acting etc) will be crammed into the hour-long session.

Lil' Angel whose attention span is pretty short - like most 2-year-old tykes, could actually sit through the class attentively! And she even seems to be enjoying the lesson!
It's Japanese class today and Lil' Angel is learning to trace the Japanese letters!
We have signed her up for a term since she enjoys the classes very much!

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