Wednesday, May 6, 2009

25 Months...

Lil' Angel is 25 Months today! At 25 Months...
  1. She is talking a lot more now and in sentences. She comments on everything she sees...
  2. She will say "Night Night Mommy", "I Love You Mommy" followed by a BIG HUG every night...
  3. Don't Fart around her. She will say "XXX Fart Fart...Smelly!" She will even say herself...and even the car is not let off (think locking/ unlocking of the car using the remote control)...
  4. She asks about everyone. If we get into the car and one of the family members is "missing", she will ask "Where is MaMa/Gong Gong/ Aunty Nana?"...
  5. She is so good at opening doors now that whenever it's bedtime, she will escape from the bedroom and goes to the Gramp's room to play...
  6. She loves to jump...on the trampoline, from the stairs, chairs (makes my heart jump too!)...
  7. She is very sure of the colours, blue, pink, purple, yellow, orange, green, brown, black, white...

1 comment:

D boys' Mum said...

When D fart.. he will also say "Dee Dee Part" everytime.. even in trains, public places..

i shd be thankful he does not say "fart"