At 22 Months, Lil' Angel...
- Can finally say her name. But she prefers calling herself Cait Cait...
- Can address the various relatives with almost correct terms. Eg. Lao Kim, she says Kim. Lao Yi, she says Yi Yi, Ah-Gou, she says Gou Gou etc...
- Calls our Helper Mona...Na Na...
- Now that she can talk, she has started ordering me around. She will say...Mommy eat, Mommy read book, Mommy draw, Mommy play, Mommy sit slide, (as in to switch on the portable DVD player in the car) etc...
- When she bids someone farewell, she will either wave, fly kiss or say "Bye Bye"...
- Knows all her ABCs in CAPS. She hasn't mastered all the letters in the Lowercase yet...
- Loves to look out for letters when we are out. She will point to the letters and say out the letters. She even notices the "P" sign for parking...
- Can count with a little help. She will empty the contents out of a container and Mommy will start with 1, she will say 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Mommy says 7, she says 8, Mommy says 9 and she will say 10 VERY VERY Proudly..ending with a TADA!
- Can complete the last words of various songs...
- Likes to look at what has been captured on the camera every time Mommy or whoever takes a picture...
- Is weird. She likes to be BUCKLED UP! When placed in a high chair or car seat, she insists to be buckled up...not that I am complaining!
- Can walk up the stairs very fast now without holding on to the railings and can walk down the flight of steps by herself...
- When approaching the top of a flight of stairs, she will say "WAIT", "STOP" and do the STOP gesture. She will wait for me to either see her walk down the flight of stairs or walk down the stairs together...
- She will now say Poo Poo when she is doing her business...but she doesn't want to sit on the toilet bowl still...
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