Monday, July 23, 2007

One Balloon, Two Chairs...

We went to Ikea this afternoon. One of the staff welcomed all customers at the entrance and gave out balloons to the kids. Of course Lil' Angel got one as well and look! She's holding the balloon herself! Smart girl...she's now learning how to grab and hold stuff that are within her reach.

As usual, we went straight to the "Most Important People" section...i.e. none other than the Kids' Department (like I have always mentioned...we no longer shop for ourselves) and picked up a few items for Caitlyn dearie. All the things were irresistibly cute...our intention was to get her a high chair but ended up with a rattan chair, cushion and storage box as well...

Lil' Angel trying out her new rattan chair in the garden. Doesn't she look very happy sitting on it?

Seems like she is pretty happy in her high chair too! Well, Mommy & Daddy are happy too that we got stuff that our Lil' Baby likes!

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