Sunday, July 8, 2007

Gone Fishing...

This is our first weekend fun since I returned to work on Wednesday! We went to a prawn farm far far away...somewhere near the zoo...with my sister and family for prawn fishing. Actually only my brother-in-law went to fish for prawns, while the rest of us just looked around and made a lot of noise...heh heh! I guess we did make a LOT of noise cos after 3 hours of fishing, my brother-in-law only managed to catch 6 prawns!! Heard that this was his worst catch so far!

Hmmm...ok, we must have really scared all the prawns away with the noise we made cos the 6 prawns were caught only after we left! Yeah...the 3 of us did not stay for 3 hours, we left after about an hour...

1 comment:

She-Cat said...

Hmm...your counter showed 100 when I came here... . Does that mean I'm your 100th reader ;o)? How cool is that?! Since you were my 100th too :o).