Sunday, July 29, 2007

A Visit To The Simpsons...

Caitlyn dearie and Mommy paid a visit to the Simpsons this afternoon...

Picture of Lil' Angel, Mommy and the Simpsons!

Caitlyn dearie and her new friend, Maggie...

Caitlyn: Eeh Eeh Eeh Eeh Eeh...
(Pssst....share your milk with me...)
Maggie: *smooch* *smooch* *smooch* *smooch*...
( you are!)


We had lunch at Earl Swensen @ Vivo City this afternoon. The salad bar is not too bad...and the mains are ok. I had the beef medallions which I found a little overcooked and Hubby dearest had fried chicken which I thought was quite nice. The view is superb as the restaurant overlooks Sentosa.

I didn't really like Vivo City much as mentioned in one of my posts previously. However, I am beginning to like this place lots, and I believe Lil' Angel likes it too cos I have got her so many toys and clothes there! It brings back many wonderful memories cos we went there pretty often when I was on maternity leave. I miss those 3 months when I could be with my Bebe all the time!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

My Lil' Prayer...

I thank God for today...

for some time to play outside...

for the birds and the bees...

for His love that's deep and wide...

for the air that I breathe...

for my friends & family...

That's why I say "Thanks" everyday...


Monday, July 23, 2007

One Balloon, Two Chairs...

We went to Ikea this afternoon. One of the staff welcomed all customers at the entrance and gave out balloons to the kids. Of course Lil' Angel got one as well and look! She's holding the balloon herself! Smart girl...she's now learning how to grab and hold stuff that are within her reach.

As usual, we went straight to the "Most Important People" section...i.e. none other than the Kids' Department (like I have always mentioned...we no longer shop for ourselves) and picked up a few items for Caitlyn dearie. All the things were irresistibly cute...our intention was to get her a high chair but ended up with a rattan chair, cushion and storage box as well...

Lil' Angel trying out her new rattan chair in the garden. Doesn't she look very happy sitting on it?

Seems like she is pretty happy in her high chair too! Well, Mommy & Daddy are happy too that we got stuff that our Lil' Baby likes!

My Dream...

Haha! Mommy is so wrong...I don't have Milk Buffet dreams at night...but...I do dream of being an Air Stewardess!

Mommy...may I become an Air Stewardess when I grow up?? Do I look like one in the making??

Good Morning!

This is Lil' Angel in the morning when she is first awake. She is a morning person cos she is always all smiles in the morning! Must be due to the good night's rest and all the sweet dreamzzz she has the night before...hmmm...wonder what the sweet dreams are...maybe Milk Buffet?

Heads Up!

Recently, I have been placing Lil' Angel on her tummy more often and boy, is her neck strong! She can hold her head up pretty high! Think she'll soon be able to support her head and by then, she'll be so much easier to carry and I can soon start her on solids! Bet my Lil' Milk Monster can't wait to start trying other yummy stuff besides milk!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Laugh Out Loud!

Last week, Lil' Angel laughed out loud! Her very first laughter!! Prior to that, she will smile or laugh but without much noise. She must have had been very amused with me that day cos I kept saying "I am Caitlynnnn..." in a really exaggerated tone and moving her hands up and down...and she couldn't stop laughing!! It was really such a cute moment! She looks really sweet when she is happy isn't she??

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Photo Shoot Part II!

Hubby dearest is soooo smart! After our photo shoot this afternoon, he suggested that we go and take more pictures ourselves since I still have my make up on! Might as well make the most out of it since it's not all the time where I have make up done by make up artistes! Hahaha!

We decided to have our outdoor shooting at the place where Hubby dearest and myself took our wedding pictures. This time, the models are not Hubby & Me but Baby & Me! Hubby has now become the Photographer! Heehee. But that's the most natural thing to happen since Lil' Angel and Mommy are both the most important and prettiest ladies in his life, right? Ok...a BIG Kiss and Hug from Baby & Mommy to Daddy!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Photo Shoot!

We brought Lil' Angel for our first family photo shoot this afternoon! Hubby dearest and myself were so surprised when we realised that the photographer is the same photographer who took our wedding pictures! It was great cos we felt comfortable with him.

Lil' Angel was such an angel...she and Daddy waited patiently for Mommy to have her make up done by the make up artiste. Then it was time for the photo taking session! It's really not easy taking glamour shots for babies cos the photographer really gotta attract their attention and be quick enough to capture THE MOMENT. Caitlyn dearie wasn't really cooperative during the photo shoot as it was pretty close to her nap time. She didn't smile much and she was a little confused by what was going on. Poor lil' girl had to change 3 outfits altogether and by the end of the session...she couldn't take it anymore and started complaining...then fell asleep.

Guess Mommy was just too eager to make Lil' Angel a model...hehehe. Well, at least we have got a nice family photo ya?

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Gone Fishing...

This is our first weekend fun since I returned to work on Wednesday! We went to a prawn farm far far away...somewhere near the zoo...with my sister and family for prawn fishing. Actually only my brother-in-law went to fish for prawns, while the rest of us just looked around and made a lot of noise...heh heh! I guess we did make a LOT of noise cos after 3 hours of fishing, my brother-in-law only managed to catch 6 prawns!! Heard that this was his worst catch so far!

Hmmm...ok, we must have really scared all the prawns away with the noise we made cos the 6 prawns were caught only after we left! Yeah...the 3 of us did not stay for 3 hours, we left after about an hour...

Born to Shop...

What do you think of my Hello Kitty handbag???

Back To Work...

This is the nursing room in my office. I am really thankful for it as it has made my milk pumping sessions sooo much easier! There's a nice couch, basin, bar bridge, sterilizer, shelves and telephone...only missing item is the pump! Haha. The best part of all - I am the only mommy using the nursing room currently, so I can conveniently leave everything in the room! I'm really lucky to be the only one using it as the Organization that I am working for is BIG.

Anyway, 3 months have gone by in a flash and it's the end of my maternity leave!! *sob* The day before I returned to the office, Hubby dearest and myself went for a nice lunch (celebration of my last day of maternity leave??), had my brows plucked and dropped by the dentist as well. Lil' Angel was left at home with Grandma and the maid for a trial run of the coming months when Mommy dearest won't be around in the day to take care of Lil' Angel.

I returned to the office on was really difficult to get back into the work momentum and I felt sort of lost! Feels like its my first day at work all over again. Urrrgh! Hope that I will get used to juggling work and baby real soon! No longer do I have the luxury to wake up half hour before leaving the has become one-and-a-half hour earlier and I am surprised that I am able to do it! Wonders of Motherhood! Lil' Angel...guess you know what to do rite?? If not...Daddy dearest better do so! ;p

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Where's Mickey...

Hmmm....I wonder where Mickey is...

What?! He went back to Disneyland without me??? Don't kid me...

WaaaahhHHhHHH...!!! Mickey...come back right NOWWWW!!!!

Milk Milk...

"Look Mommy...I've finished all my milk in 20 minutes flat!"
I'm really glad that Lil' Angel is not fussing about drinking from the bottle anymore cos just a week ago, she was rejecting the bottle! I was sent into panic mode as Caitlyn dearie needs to drink from the bottle as I would be returning to the office. So for the past week, Grandma, the maid and myself started training Lil' Angel to drink from the bottle. For the first few days, she struggled, cried and simply refused to drink from the bottle. It took us 1 hour to coax her to drink. Finally, she realised that no matter how much she cried, she would still end up drinking from the bottle. So she decided that she might as well just accept whatever comes her way. See how happy Milk Monster looks now! Hee hee.

And here's a picture of Daddy dearest feeding Lil' Angel for the first time! Thanks Daddy!