Sunday, August 26, 2007


It seems like it is Lil' Angel's birthday every other week! Everyone has been showering her with pressies! Just last weekend, Grandma got for Lil' Angel more toys, books and DVDs (see above)...adding to her many toys and DVDs that she already has! Caitlyn dearie even owns a mobile phone! We'll soon need to have a playroom to keep all her toys! Grandma also bought so many nice clothes for Lil' Angel when she went Bangkok for holiday! You are really one lucky Angel, Caitlyn!

And to prove that I am not exaggerating that it's Lil' Angel's birthday every week, she was showered with more pressies on Friday from Aunty Ling! Aunty Ling went holidaying in Taiwan and got Lil' Angel the pressies above! Now...Mommy is really getting very jealous cos Mommy didn't get anything! Oh...yes, actually I did. Ling got me chocs when she went least I wasn't forgotten! Thanks gal!
Thank you everyone for being so generous and doting to Caitlyn dearie! She really loves all the pressies! We apologise if we did not manage to include all the pressies that she has received so far in our blog...cos if we were to include all...Blogspot will explode due to the many many many many postings and we don't want that to happen, do we? I'm sure you still want to read about Lil' Angel's adventures ya?

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