Today is a special day, it's Gou Gou Serene's Big Day and Caitlyn is ever so honored that she had been chosen to be the flower girl! This being her first opportunity, Mummy had to make sure that everything was in place, like the ribbon on the back, position of the flower clip and the shoes. Also special thanks for Gou Gou Hsiao Yun for choosing such a pretty for an Angel.

Upon arriving at the hotel, Caitlyn was so eager to meet the bride that she kept asking Daddy where she was. Finally we spotted the bride... and Caitlyn she had to take a picture with the pretty Gou Gou. Don't they both look gorgeous?

I must admit that Caitlyn was pretty spontaneous that night, she was able to pose and smile for photo after photo. Here are several shots of her in the solemnization hall, before most of the guests arrived.

Here is the 5 year old Kor kor (Daddy can't recall name) that was the pageboy. Caitlyn was pretty shy at first and was running all over the place when they were first introduced, but after a while she calmed down and warmed up to take some photos.

Next was the rehearsal for the the solemnization march in...
Then it was the real thing... marching in front of the bride and groom and hand in hand with the pageboy! Omg!...Daddy has this strange feeling that his baby is already getting married??

Marching up to the Justice of Peace... Caitlyn took the wrong turn and had to be directed to the correct side. Oooops...Granduncle Huat was probably telling Caitlyn not to mess up his daughter's wedding! Caitlyn was standing at the table side throughout the solemnization ceremony and looking with the beauty and grace of Gou Gou Serene and the handsome groom Uncle Laurence.

After the ceremony, it was phototaking time! Caitlyn had become a minor celebrity at the wedding and everyone wanted pictures with the flowergirl. At one point, Grandaunt Jennifer had to even touch up her lip gloss!

Outside the reception area before the dinner, Caitlyn was so excited seeing all her Gou Gou and she was running all over the place again. There was her favorite snack too...potato chips! She had a couple and Daddy was nagging for her to stop and drink water. She was nevertheless enjoying herself there!

During the wedding dinner, Gou Gou Serene serenaded her husband in a Japanese kimono... and Caitlyn was so captivated by her sweet voice..

Here are more candid shots taken by Daddy of his Lil' Angel during the dinner...
and this is Daddy's favorite shot!
Gou Gou Serene and Uncle Laurence, i'd like to thank you for choosing me to be your flowergirl. I'm really honored to have this privilege. I like to wish you a lifetime of happiness and health and more cousins i can play with!